Organic Olive oil,
Sunflower oil and Vinegar have been used as nutritional supplements for
decades. They gave gained popularity across the globe on account of their
numerous health benefits. They have been considered natural remedies for many
Below are the health
benefits of Organic Olive oil, Sunflower oil and Vinegars:-
Health Benefits of Organic Olive Oils

Olive oil has been used
for cooking for centuries. Choosing Organic will ensure that you are getting
the pure and natural oil. Organic Olive oil has a richer taste and color. It is well known that Extra Virgin Olive Oils are good for the body –
boosting heart health and even lowering the risk of certain kinds of
cancer. But not all olive oils are created equal.
for heart, cardiovascular system

Olive oil is high in monounsaturated
fats. It helps the body to function properly. It can help reduce the chances of
heart attacks and strokes. Its consumption can lower the levels of LDL
cholesterol in the body.
The main type of fat found in all kinds of olive oil is monounsaturated
fatty acids (MUFAs). MUFAs are actually considered a healthy dietary
fat. If your diet emphasizes unsaturated fats, such as MUFAs and
polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), instead of saturated fats and trans fats,
you may gain certain health benefits.

MUFAs and PUFAs may help lower your risk of heart disease by improving
related risk factors. For instance, MUFAs may lower your total
cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. MUFAs may
also help normalize blood clotting. And some research shows that MUFAs
may also benefit insulin levels and blood sugar control, which can be
especially helpful if you have type 2 diabetes. [Cited from : mayoclinic.org ]
for gastrointestinal disorders

Olive oil (Cited from wikipedia.org) has been
shown to benefit the persons suffering from stomach ulcers. Being a natural
inducer of pancreatic hormones and bile, it can prevent the formation of
gallstones. It is very easy to digest.
of Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps to
prevent the damage due to free radicals in the body. Olive oil contains Vitamin
E which acts as an antioxidant and protects against various ailments.
Health Benefits of Sunflower oil
Sunflower oil is the
oil extracted from the seeds of sunflowers. It has been extensively used as cooking oil due to its nutritious composition. Linoleic acid is the main component of
sunflower oil. Some of the other important components include lecithin,
carotenoids and tocopherols.

in taste
The oil is light in
taste. It is commonly preferred for cooking in many regions. It is preferred
over other cooking oils due to its long shelf life.
content of vitamin E
Sunflower oil (Cited from wikipedia.org) possesses
nutritional benefits due to high content of essential fatty acids and Vitamin
E. Different varieties have different
nutritional value. The high linoleic acid variety is the most popular one.

levels of saturated fats
The low levels of
saturated fats in sunflower oil are considered good for the heart. Its consumption
can pose a low risk of cardiovascular problems. Infact, this is the biggest
health benefit of sunflower oil.
Health Benefits of Vinegars
Vinegar has been used as
a dietary supplement for centuries. It is made by the fermentation of wheat and
rice grains or grape juice. Research studies have revealed that vinegar possesses
many health benefits. Organic Oils and Vinegars form a great healthy combination.

Vinegar contains
essential nutrients that are considered necessary for various metabolic
processes. These include vitamins A, B-complex, C and E and minerals like magnesium,
potassium, phosphorus etc.
in diabetes
Vinegar is resistance
to the hormone insulin. It can help improve glucose control in persons with Type
2 diabetes. A small dose of vinegar per day can help to balance blood glucose
levels after a meal.

loss supplement
Vinegar can help reduce
appetite and is a common weight-loss supplement. As per studies, it can reduce
the rate of food digestion. It can lower blood glucose and insulin levels in
the body. It can help reduce food cravings and maintain feelings of fullness.
to reduce acidity
Vinegar contains high
levels of acetic acid. Its intake can balance the body's pH. It helps to reduce
acidity and alkalize the body. It is very beneficial in diseases like gout,
arthritis etc.
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